PO Box 336, 15988B East Chestnut St, Mt. Eaton, OH 44659 | 330‑359‑9888
New Leaf Center provides medical care to special needs children with inherited disorders. We are a nonprofit (501c3) funded largely by individual donors, businesses and churches. We are a medical home for our patients.
“We aim to eliminate the useless suffering of children. History shows us that the suffering of children can deepen faith and broaden a community’s capacity to love. This is useful suffering. However, history also gives many examples of children who suffer uselessly. Useless suffering is destructive—creating deep, painful scars. When do our children suffer uselessly? Our children suffer uselessly when their parents and doctors cannot compromise. Our children suffer uselessly when the adults entrusted with their care act out of ignorance and pride instead of conscientious humility. Suffering children cannot choose whether or not their pain and loneliness will be useful. That choice rests in the hands of the adults around them.”